A versatile, aesthetically appealing and, above all, highly functional solution for the modern working environment: this is why porcelain stoneware raised floors for offices are an extremely high-performance choice.
Raised floors for offices
Raised floors for indoor offices allow for extraordinary design flexibility as they consist of modular panels that can be easily positioned, relocated or removed, enabling the layout of the workspace to be customised but also reconfigured at any time over time. This feature is particularly significant for rapidly changing offices, where the layout of spaces can change frequently.
The raised office floor installation also allows all installations to be located below the floor level, from computer cables to the air conditioning system, thus also facilitating inspection and maintenance of the installations themselves. Access to the installations will no longer require masonry work to demolish the existing flooring, but simply lifting the affected panels.
The resistance to wear and stains of porcelain stoneware completes the solution and makes the raised floor ideal in offices and all professional environments, where it is essential to maintain a well-maintained appearance even when floors are subject to heavy traffic.
The Advantages
Above all expectations
The system consists of support panels coupled to the finishing surface, positioned on the load-bearing structure that allows the floor to be raised, creating a cavity in which the technical systems pass:
to all installations below
allows the redistribution of facilities
of both footfall and installations
because it allows the layout of spaces to be redefined
What we offer

The project
An executive architectural design that optimises the use of materials, takes into account the aesthetic effect (centring of corridors and/or entrances) and the number of cuts (minimising disposable ones); it also defines the materials required, including stocks and any drilling of panels for the insertion of accessories such as turrets, cable ducts and grids.

Suitable products, formats and materials
Materials and formats capable of meeting every aesthetic and functional requirement: 30×60, 60×60 and 120×260. Glazed Porcelain Stoneware and Full Thickness Porcelain Stoneware represent the ideal material solution because they are technological and resistant, with a single, compact body, unalterable over time, resistant to frost and bending and with a thousand aesthetic possibilities. Possible alternatives are laminate, vinyl, linoleum and carpet.

The guarantee of the use of highly specialised teams for all phases of the laying process, from tracking (the drawing on the ground of the laying grid that defines the position of the columns and the routes of the systems) to assembly (first the structure, then the crossbeams with their anti-vibration and anti-dust seals), always under the control of the most modern measuring instruments. Finally, the panels are placed on the structure by gravity, adjusting the height of the support columns for a perfect plane.

Pavimenti Sopraelevati per esterni
I pavimenti sopraelevati da esterno rappresentano la migliore soluzione per la realizzazione di terrazzi o camminamenti in ambienti esterni.
Attraverso la posa a secco su supporti è in fatti possibile ottenere molteplici vantaggi:
- Il pavimento resta ispezionabile per consentire di verificare la presenza di fogliame o residui che possano ostruire il corretto deflusso delle acque meteoriche;
- La pavimentazione evita l’accumulo dell’acqua sulla superficie mantenendo le fughe tra le lastre aperte con effetto drenante;
- La flessibilità del sistema consente di modificare le aree coperte senza alcuna demolizione;
- E’ possibile installare il sistema su una pavimentazione esistente senza doverla rimuovere rinnovando le superfici esterna senza oneri inutili

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Imola Tecnica
For the Functional Beauty
Our raised floors support the work of thousands of people working all over the world, with specificities of use (police stations, hospitals, offices) that are the result of experience that cannot be improvised. Our goal is functional aesthetics, and we are able to achieve this by covering the entire requirement of the designer, architect or construction company. From the preliminary study to the installation, everything is done by maximising comfort for those who live in the spaces and cutting down on waste and costs.