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Porcelain stoneware raised flooring: an efficient, elegant solution

In shops and other developments that use physical spaces, it is increasingly important to have a flexible structure. Without this, it is difficult for a company to adapt to new demands rapidly and efficiently. The possibility of receiving different kinds of technologies has led a number of companies to opt to use porcelain stoneware raised flooring. The investment enhances the property by facilitating re-arranging, extensions, maintenance and transfer of structures. The flexibility in the use of space is additionally appealing, because the porcelain stoneware raised flooring improves the visual appearance of a room, by reducing the use of clearly visible canals.

The porcelain stoneware raised flooring system is made up of movable slabs supported by a structure that can be adjusted in height, according to the needs of each building. By creating a free space between the slab and finished floor, this resolves common problems in buildings like the laying of hydraulic piping, air conditioning, electric and network wiring as well as other uses.

The raised flooring with finishing in porcelain stoneware is secured directly to the slab or underfloor, using supports for raising, like steel or thermal plastics (polypropylene) that are the most commonly found on the market.

Raised flooring for outside in porcelain stoneware: the main advantages.

The use of porcelain stoneware raised flooringof flooring that is higher than the base of the slab or underfloor – offers a number of advantages, both when planning the building work and in the use of space. Here are some of the main ones: 

  • Easy to assembly: installing a floor often takes time, as it requires several slabs to be secured, usually with cement. And, once everything is in place, you then have to wait for it to dry and then go ahead with the cleaning. This drastically increases the time needed to complete the installation process, never mind an restoration work. When the floor, on the other hand, is raised, it is separated from the base and each slab rests on a series of supports. This means that, once these supports have been installed, installing and changing the flooring because much easier, faster and cheaper; 
  • Fast access to the equipment: one of the key purposes of porcelain stoneware raised flooring is to create a space that can easily be accessed, that crosses the entire site but does not obstruct movement. Any kind of wiring and/or equipment can be installed under the slabs, without involving painstaking work each time you have to re-connect something or insert new equipment. The significant advantages here are undoubtedly the reduction in cost and greater flexibility in the work space. In companies where it is important to acquire new technologies on a reasonably regular basis, having such flexibility is essential;
  • Modernisation and aesthetics: the raised flooring with porcelain stoneware finishing is also an excellent option if you are looking to improve the appearance of your business, both for clients and partners, as well as for new employees. Having a whole load of cables and machines on the floor, for example, tends to give and untidy impression which should definitely be avoided. Furthermore, thanks to their structure, it is very easy to make changes to these kind of floors. The panels can be removed and replaced with different colours and schemes in a single day, with minimal disturbance to your business.

Porcelain stoneware for raised flooring: a vast range of colours and shapes for a truly innovative system.

The aesthetics and functioning of a building are visibly improved with raised flooring in porcelain stoneware. Developed with an exclusive technology, these systems easily adapt to any kind of building and offer excellent technical specifications, as well as lasting over time. 

The finishing in porcelain stoneware for raised flooring is assembled directly at our production plants using a process of glueing between the floor’s technical panel and ceramic tile, achieving a stable and solid bond that guarantees complete accessibility, a characteristic of porcelain stoneware raised flooring.

When assembling the structure, it is possible to use an additional intermediate layer of acoustic membrane at the base of the feet to reduce irregularities to a minimum and create a better softening effect and comfort under foot: these elements have excellent acoustic properties, absorbing the noise produced by footsteps, bangs and inter-spatial transmissions.

Lastly, the finishing in porcelain stoneware for raised flooring is a versatile choice, with solutions that know how to interpret the contemporary taste of modern surroundings, as well as recreate the warmth of more classic environment